Imma Fly Magnet... #FML

RIP, fly-pal.

So yeah, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of literal shit these miscreant creatures give me. I'm sorry, but flies are such a bothersome. The literal epitome and manifestation of annoying and rank (means dirty and gross) and I don't know about you, but I get so conscious about the plethora of germs they're transferring onto me. I'm trash enough; I don't need yours, mind you.


Here in Japan (Why hullo, I'm back!) it's just amazing how the weather is effed up; meaning it's hot as balls. And when it's hot, flies come out quicker than a new version of anything by Microsoft needing to be patched. I mean, what idiot wants them around anyway, right? Like these flies are such a nuisance and it's just an understatement. Flies are always damn touching your face, your food and heck, it could even be touching your phone! I know, gross.

Sure they decompose or whatever but can they decompose themselves and vanish into oblivion? Apparently not of course. I know I'm probably overreacting about one little thing(s) but when a fly tries to land their little grubby thingies on you, then we'll talk.

Not only are they annoying but when you try to kill them, it's like they earned the speed of the Flash or something like what kind of Hogwarts Magic is this shit? Ugh, and do I have to tell you about when flies get stuck into cars and or in between the window and a blinds or curtain and they just sit
there, buzzing for help.

What a bother.

Okay I mean, maybe there might be worse bugs and stuff out there to deal with too (spiders I'm looking at you) but right now, flies are just being their very, very annoying self. Like, I've been dealing with annoying bugs at school too, so please don't put yourself on the list.

Given that I don't look like dog shit, why do they land on me? (Maybe even you). Well apparently, flies suck up dead skin cells, oils and sweats from your face and body. Faaaark no.

So hello, flies of the earth.

This is me, an angry Hafū, trying to maintain his life together and salvage it from falling into pieces. And with your constant and relentless nuisances, I feel as though I am unable to achieve this mere dream (unless my skills as a normal human is holding me back) and that's not good.

Well duh.

So whatever joy you take out on making people frustrated or sucking up dead skin cells from us, I think you gonna have to find a better way to spend your damn spare time. Perhaps play tennis or...or...



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